Thursday, December 4, 2008

Either ON or OFF

Are you a creative person who operates in ON or OFF mode, but not much inbetween?
That's me in a nutshell... and I have been off for a few weeks.
I started a project around the training/mentoring in my organizing business (Organizer U.), and oooops, I have neglected my funky little blog.

But it led me to give some thought to the creative process and whether other Right Brainers have these same tendencies.
Well, today I had a meeting with a book graphic artist and whaddya know, she says she's the same way. No wonder I prefer a marathon of organizing rather than doing it a little at a time. When I'm focused I'm really really focused. And when I'm not, I'm not.

Something to think about. It doesn't make me a good or bad person, but it's useful to know so I don't set myself up for failure, expecting myself to work on something in bits when I'd rather be "All in".

How about you?